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Reverse Proxy in Ubuntu
The last few days I have spend some time setting up 2 new servers. One running Railo on Ubuntu and the other Coldfusion in Windows. I need...
Automake - aclocal: command not found
I was setting up a new server and compiling some apache conectors when I came across this error: me@server.com: make cd . && aclo...
How to recover a suspect database on MS SQL 2005
We had a largeish DB server corrupt a disk and in the process cause one of the databases to become suspect. This can be resolved by runnin...
ColdFusion 9 on GlassFish
Download and install java sdk ( I used 1.6.17 ) ( note you need the JDK not JRE ) Download glassFish Download ColdFusion 8 or 9 Download...
Reading and writing binary to a mySQL database with ColdFusion
Ever wanted to save an image to a database with ColdFusion? I see this question asked quite often. I don't have a need to do this but ...
ColdFusion 9 on Windows server 2008 64bit
I put this together almost immediately after CF9 was released but even before then I had some people contact me to ask how CF9 runs on both ...
File manipulation client side with the Flash player with Flex 4 and Coldfusion
Ever wanted to load an image into your web application instantly? Well now you can. Well you have been able to for a little while actually...
Forwarding or masking your domain with GoDaddy
This is basically for my own future reference note the IP address is important and needs to be used for the @ A record. To Forward or Mask...
How to increase the connection pool .NET
If you need to increase the connection pool in a .NET application this is what you need to add to your webconfig file: ;max pool size=200 ...
MVC5 .NET Glimpse and NuGet - Melbourne
Having spent most of my time on NodeJs I recently attended a .NET course in Melbourne. I'm a fan of .NET and MVC 5 has come a long way....