MVC5 .NET Glimpse and NuGet - Melbourne

by 9:57 AM 12 comments
Having spent most of my time on NodeJs I recently attended a .NET course in Melbourne.  I'm a fan of .NET and MVC 5 has come a long way.  I doubt many will argue that the tooling in the MS land is by far the best there is.  I really like Visual Studio ( as long as you have a decent machine to run it ), I really like nuGet ( MS .NET package manager ) I really started to feel like home.

I also really like MVC5, it feels familiar.  The base templates are great to get started and scaffold x% of the work for you.

I think the biggest eye opener of the day was Azure.  I quite enjoy the Azure model.  .NET lends it self well to then and the integration between the tooling and the deployment platform is tight.  I had next to no issues deploying simple apps and the 10 free websites is great for testing and getting side projects up and running.

That being said I think the biggest item I took from the event was Glimpse.  It was just fantastic, I wont start a project without it anymore.  Its basically request level debugging in the browser for .NET if you haven't tried it I suggest you do.

Like it or loath it I'll Microsoft have come a long way and I can see start ups looking to MS technology moving forward as they are really closing that gap enabling dev to get going for next to no cost ( or zero cost ) and provide a pathway to support your application as it grows.


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