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Reverse Proxy in Ubuntu
The last few days I have spend some time setting up 2 new servers. One running Railo on Ubuntu and the other Coldfusion in Windows. I need...
Automake - aclocal: command not found
I was setting up a new server and compiling some apache conectors when I came across this error: me@server.com: make cd . && aclo...
How to recover a suspect database on MS SQL 2005
We had a largeish DB server corrupt a disk and in the process cause one of the databases to become suspect. This can be resolved by runnin...
MVC5 .NET Glimpse and NuGet - Melbourne
Having spent most of my time on NodeJs I recently attended a .NET course in Melbourne. I'm a fan of .NET and MVC 5 has come a long way....
ColdFusion 9 on GlassFish
Download and install java sdk ( I used 1.6.17 ) ( note you need the JDK not JRE ) Download glassFish Download ColdFusion 8 or 9 Download...
Reading and writing binary to a mySQL database with ColdFusion
Ever wanted to save an image to a database with ColdFusion? I see this question asked quite often. I don't have a need to do this but ...
How to increase the connection pool .NET
If you need to increase the connection pool in a .NET application this is what you need to add to your webconfig file: ;max pool size=200 ...
Forwarding or masking your domain with GoDaddy
This is basically for my own future reference note the IP address is important and needs to be used for the @ A record. To Forward or Mask...
ColdFusion 9 on Windows server 2008 64bit
I put this together almost immediately after CF9 was released but even before then I had some people contact me to ask how CF9 runs on both ...
File manipulation client side with the Flash player with Flex 4 and Coldfusion
Ever wanted to load an image into your web application instantly? Well now you can. Well you have been able to for a little while actually...